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JADE - Stories Untold

JADE is an award-winning short film from 'Stories Untold' a series of films I've directed and produced featuring London-based migrants. After almost a year in development, and an extensive casting process, we selected six diverse stories to help spread a positive message and challenge the current rhetoric surrounding migration in a post-Brexit Britain. We have premiered them at The London Film Festival at The Museum of Migration and now hope to take this far and wide and reach schools around the UK.
In our ever politically unhinged world we chat, moan, groan and celebrate our lives with likeminded people. People who have lived similar lives and share similar ambitions, successes and adversities. It seems that talking to people with the same views, and similar stories to our own, gives us the self-validation in today's world.
But, in a post-Brexit Britain, we think it's imperative that we start to share stories outside of our own bubbles. We want to remind people that whoever we are, wherever we've come from, we are all navigating the world and trying to get by as best we can. We are all human.
This collection of short films speaks to London migrants from all different social, political and economic backgrounds and asks them to tell us their story with their own words. This series of documentary style films presents a varied selection of migrants telling a mix of stories on screen. We will aim to share these stories far and wide both national and international festivals.

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